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知られる 鄧 淨維 氏が開発した
巨大カンパチ、イソマグロ、GTの三魚種100ポンドオーバーをキャッチした実績の持ち主が「鄧 淨維」氏。ジギング愛好者も多い台湾では、有名ポイントの最盛期には多くの漁船がひしめきあう。その難しい状況下において、モンスタークラスに的を絞り、真っ向勝負のパワーファイトで挑むその姿勢に、 台湾だけでなく、日本国内においても彼を慕うアングラーは多い。
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The powerful rods have been developed by Mr.Chris Chin Wei Teng, who is known for Taiwanese monster fish hunter, in order to catch huge size fishes all over the world. New "3rd Generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING series are born.
Mr. Chris Chin Wei Teng has caught over 100-pound fishes of AMBERJACK, DOG TOOTH TUNA and GT. In Taiwan, Jigging is a popular fishing and there are many Jiggers.Although there are always many fishing boats at the fields in Taiwan, Mr. Chris has focused on Monster fishes and has caught them under these difficult conditions. His power fishing style fighting a duel with a monster fish is respected by many anglers not only in Taiwan but also in Japan.
In the butt section of New "3rd Generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING, the carbon cloth has been replaced with "Four-direction set carbon cloth" instead of Plain weave carbon cloth. Since the Four-direction set carbon cloth gives very high strength and very high torsional strength than the old models without increasing rod weight, this new blank provides superior performance as a result of having remarkably stronger torsional strength than the old models. In the tip part, the Unsanded finish with 1 mm pitch has been applied in order to keep the lightness and strength.
Fuji "TORZITE" rings with Titanium Frame are used for all guides of New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING series. The ring provides remarkably high performance in the tenacity and bending strength than Fuji "SIC" ring and is also line-friendly by having high wear resistance.A revolutionary lock nut system is adopted in the reel seat of New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING in order to prevent the loosening of the main nuts.The indispensable elements of rods for a heavy jigging game, which are good handling performance of heavy weight jigs, high lifting power and endurance, are condensed into New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING. Please feel and enjoy the well-balanced tough performance of New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING.
Mr. Chris Chin Wei Teng has caught over 100-pound fishes of AMBERJACK, DOG TOOTH TUNA and GT. In Taiwan, Jigging is a popular fishing and there are many Jiggers.Although there are always many fishing boats at the fields in Taiwan, Mr. Chris has focused on Monster fishes and has caught them under these difficult conditions. His power fishing style fighting a duel with a monster fish is respected by many anglers not only in Taiwan but also in Japan.
In the butt section of New "3rd Generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING, the carbon cloth has been replaced with "Four-direction set carbon cloth" instead of Plain weave carbon cloth. Since the Four-direction set carbon cloth gives very high strength and very high torsional strength than the old models without increasing rod weight, this new blank provides superior performance as a result of having remarkably stronger torsional strength than the old models. In the tip part, the Unsanded finish with 1 mm pitch has been applied in order to keep the lightness and strength.
Fuji "TORZITE" rings with Titanium Frame are used for all guides of New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING series. The ring provides remarkably high performance in the tenacity and bending strength than Fuji "SIC" ring and is also line-friendly by having high wear resistance.A revolutionary lock nut system is adopted in the reel seat of New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING in order to prevent the loosening of the main nuts.The indispensable elements of rods for a heavy jigging game, which are good handling performance of heavy weight jigs, high lifting power and endurance, are condensed into New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING. Please feel and enjoy the well-balanced tough performance of New "3rd generation" WEI WORLD JIGGING.
"Four-direction set carbon cloth" in the butt section
Unsanded finish in the tip part
A revolutionary lock nut system is adopted in the reel seats in order to prevent the loosening the nut.
Fuji "TORZITE" rings with Titanium Frame are used for all guides
Product Spec
Price : ¥54,000(税抜)
Length : 5.0feet
Pieces : one piece
Weight : 228g
LineWT : PE5~8
JERK MAX : over500g
世界中の100ポンドオーバーの巨大魚に照準を定めたパワーロッド。 スーパーディープジギングや潮流の早い海域において500g以上のジグを必要とする場合でも快適なジャークを行なえるロッド。抜群の操作性はスパンカーやオートスラスターの装備が無いドテラ流しの船にも最適。
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Retail price in Japan : ¥54,000 (Excl. Tax)
"Wei World 50XXH" is focused to catch over 100-pound fishes all over the world. The rod promises a comfortable jerk despite with over 500g jig in the super deep jigging or in the jigging at a rapid current area. With its excellent maneuverability, "Wei World 50XXH" is suitable for the jigging on the natural drifting boat without a spanker or an auto thruster.
"Wei World 50XXH" is focused to catch over 100-pound fishes all over the world. The rod promises a comfortable jerk despite with over 500g jig in the super deep jigging or in the jigging at a rapid current area. With its excellent maneuverability, "Wei World 50XXH" is suitable for the jigging on the natural drifting boat without a spanker or an auto thruster.
※In the sea area where is needed to use a heavy weight jig like the around sea of Taiwan, Ogasawara, Okinawa, Muroto, Mikura-jima in Japan, and Jeju island in Korea, 50XXH are suitable for using in the sea like these.
Price : ¥54,000(税抜)
Length : 5.3feet
Pieces : one piece
Weight : 218g
LineWT : PE4~6
JERK MAX : 400g
15ozクラスまでのメタルジグに対応したパワーロッド。 照準はやはり100ポンドオーバーの巨大魚。ややショートレングスながらメタルジグの操作性に優れた高反発ロッド。細身ながら強靭なバットパワーが済州島などのオオマサのジギングにも最適。
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Retail price in Japan : ¥54,000 (Excl. Tax)
"Wei World 53XH" is a powerful rod suitable with up to 15oz jigs.Of course, this is focused to catch over 100-pound fishes all over the world, too.This is a high modulus rod with excellent maneuverability of jigs, although it is slightly shorter in length than other brands.By having slim blank and strong butt section, "Wei World 53XH" is a suitable rod for Big Kingfish (Yellowtail Amberjack) game at Jeju island in Korea etc.
"Wei World 53XH" is a powerful rod suitable with up to 15oz jigs.Of course, this is focused to catch over 100-pound fishes all over the world, too.This is a high modulus rod with excellent maneuverability of jigs, although it is slightly shorter in length than other brands.By having slim blank and strong butt section, "Wei World 53XH" is a suitable rod for Big Kingfish (Yellowtail Amberjack) game at Jeju island in Korea etc.
※In the sea area where is needed to use a heavy weight jig like the around sea of Taiwan, Ogasawara, Okinawa, Muroto, Mikura-jima in Japan, and Jeju island in Korea, 53XH are suitable for using in the sea like these.
Price : ¥50,000(税抜)
Length : 5.5feet
Pieces : one piece
Weight : 208g
LineWT : PE2~4
JERK MAX : 250g
近海ジギングを主体に開発したバーサタイルロッド。 抜群の操作性でジグの形状を問わず誘いのアクションを演出。10kg前後の青物をターゲットにしているミディアムパワーながら50kgクラスのイソマグロを短時間でキャッチできるポテンシャルの高さを誇る。
※55MはFake Lez.54Mの後継機種です。
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Retail price in Japan : ¥50,000 (Excl. Tax)
"Wei World 55M" is developed as a versatile model for the jigging mainly in coast ranges. With its excellent maneuverability, it provides effective actions easily regardless of the shape of jigs. Although Medium power rods of the Wei World JIGGING series are focused on around 10kg Bluerunners, "Wei World 55M" has a high potential for catching over 50kg DOG TOOTH TUNA in a short period of time
"Wei World 55M" is developed as a versatile model for the jigging mainly in coast ranges. With its excellent maneuverability, it provides effective actions easily regardless of the shape of jigs. Although Medium power rods of the Wei World JIGGING series are focused on around 10kg Bluerunners, "Wei World 55M" has a high potential for catching over 50kg DOG TOOTH TUNA in a short period of time
※WEI WORLD 55M is succesor to Fake Lez.54M.
Tax is not included in the above retail price.